Jeu de Timbre

Original price was: 49,00 €.Current price is: 29,00 €.

We recorded an old Jeu de Timbre created by Auguste Mustel the inventor of the Celesta. Also known as the Keyboard Glockenspiel, it was used in many masterpieces : Daphnis et Chloé (Ravel), La Mer (Debussy), l’Apprenti Sorcier (Dukas) to name a few.


This instrument has a more precise and sparkling sound than the Glockenspiel. You’ll also appreciate the organic feel of its hammers.


We designed the patches to sound good out of the box. “Daphnis et Chloé” is perfect if you want to put the instrument behind the orchestra while “The Apprentice” offers a closer and more defined sound (which can also be used in orchestral context).


We designed two additional patches named velocity to attack which make the instrument more responsive than the real one, allowing you to perform soft attack when you play gently.



Excerpt from the score: Daphnis et Chloé, M. 57, Pt. 1: Danse légère et gracieuse de Daphnis





Known bug : for an unknown reason, opening two instruments in the same Kontakt generates glitches when both room tones are activated. Keep in mind that the room tone option was not designed to be cumulative. If you use multiple instruments at the same time, make sure to keep only one room tone enabled.

Patches :

Daphnis et Chloe

The Apprentice

Room Tone


Model :

Jeu de Timbre Mustel

Close, Room (IR) & Reverb

414 samples ( NCW ) 48kHz / 24bit

127 velocity steps ( based on 1 dynamic layer )
10 real Round Robins per note

463 Mb disk space required

Kontakt Full 6.7.1 or higher required


Produced by Marcel Christian & Pierre-Emmanuel Desfray.
Recorded by Pierre-Emmanuel Desfray.
Planning & Technical advice for recording: Frederic Gauthier.

Kontakt Script: Guillaume Tristant & Marcel Christian.


Interview with Marcel Christian By Rémi Orts « VF »